Glue Contour Flowers

We began this project by learning about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe.  Students learned about her life and looked at a variety of her paintings.  O'Keeffe often painted flowers in an extremely close-up view so students used this knowledge to inspire their own projects.
After purchasing flowers from the local market, still life scenarios were set up at each table.  After a demonstration from me on drawing what you observe, students began working with pencil on black paper.  As per my rubric, students were required to zoom in on their subject, overlap often, and include more than one flower in their project.
Rather than simply color the flowers in, I thought it would be fun to bring glue into the project.  We talked about contour lines and how they help an object have more depth.  Students then used clear drying liquid glue to trace their pencil lines and add contours to their flowers.  When the glue was dry they used analogous chalk pastels to fill their flowers in. 
The last step was to create a background, and in the interest of creating an eye-popping finished product, students were asked to use a contrasting or complementary color behind their flowers, thus helping them to pop out at the viewer.
The finished pieces were a blend of bright colors with a 3-dimensional effect in the glue contour lines.
Click below to see the power point students viewed at the beginning of this project or the rubric that they followed while working on it.
O'Keeffe.ppt O'Keeffe.ppt
Size : 0.608 Kb
Type : ppt
7-ContourFlowerRubric.doc 7-ContourFlowerRubric.doc
Size : 0.057 Kb
Type : doc

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