Halloween Talent Show

One year, our annual middle school talent show happened to fall on Halloween.  The music teacher had all the students organized into different acts, so I helped out by getting a group of students to decorate the background area of the stage in a spooky Halloween theme.


A group of sixth grade students helped me create the decorations for this event.

They began by tracing their own bodies on cardboard and then creating a life-size cutout of a student in a costume.  These were painted and cut out.

Next students created various accessories to go with their trick-or-treaters, including a tree, spiders, bats, and pumpkins.

To accentuate the flat pumpkins, students created dodecahedran pumpkins from a pattern I have.  These three-dimensional additions added some depth to the decorations.

To top the decorations off, ghosts and bats were hung from the rafters above the stage.




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