Mondrian Collages

First graders began this project by learning about the artist, Piet Mondrian.  He created paintings using straight lines and geometric shapes.  As a class, we brainstormed which different shapes and colors we recognized in Mondrian's paintings.
After the brainstorming stage, the students had a chance to create their own Mondrian inspired collage.  They glued strips of black paper to a large white background and then chose some shapes to color in with oil pastels.  I emphasized blending with their fingers so that the oil pastels looked more like paint and thus more like Mondrian's work.



 The assessment students filled out for this project is linked to the right.  The space at the bottom of the assessment was provided as an area for students to write a sentence describing their project using adjectives from the A to Z Art Wall. 

general self-assessment.doc general self-assessment.doc
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