Pattern Rugs

I love relating projects to popular culture because I feel like it helps grab the students' attention better.  As I was looking online for examples of rugs with patterns in them, I came across an entire line of rugs designed by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  Since many of the kids had seen their movies, this became a great chance to relate our project to an image in popular culture.
We began the project by looking at images of the Olsen twins' rugs and then created our own.  As a class, we brainstormed different shapes that could be used and then established guidelines.  Each student needed to create a repeating pattern that included at least 3 shapes in addition to their background colors.
Students cut and pasted and finished the project with their own small version of a fashion rug.

 The assessment students filled out for this project is linked to the right.  The space at the bottom of the assessment was provided as an area for students to write a sentence describing their project using adjectives from the A to Z Art Wall. 

general self-assessment.doc general self-assessment.doc
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